Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
Evaluating novel therapies to improve outcomes following hematopoietic cell transplantation.

Investigating strategies to employ the host immune system to help eliminate cancer.

Exercise Immunology
Understanding how exercise can enhance immune function to optimize health in the prevention and management of cancer and other diseases.

Human Space Exploration
Identifying the impact of the "Space Exposome" (e.g. psychological stress, microgravity, radiation exposure, nutrition/activity alterations) on astronaut immune function and developing countermeasures to mitigate risk during deep space exploration missions.
Clinical Trial Opportunity
We are recruiting healthy, non-smoking individuals between the ages of 21-44 to participate in a study investigating the relationship between exercise and the immune system. This study aims to understand how exercise changes immune cell numbers within the blood and whether or not these changes can positively impact outcomes if used in a cancer transplant setting. Participants must not have cardiovascular disease, asthma, or be taking medications that affect immune function (i.e. ibuprofen/aspirin, anti-histamines).
This study will require participants to complete cycling exercise trials on two separate occasions. Upon completion of the study, participants will receive compensation of $50.
If interested, please email Miranda Hyslop-Garza at mirandahg@arizona.edu
This study is being conducted by Dr. Richard Simpson, School of Nutritional Sciences and Wellness at the University of Arizona and has been approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the University of Arizona.
The Katsanis and Simpson Lab is an interdisciplinary research group at the University of Arizona in Tucson. Their laboratories are located on the 5th floor of the Steele Children’s Research Center in the College of Medicine. The PIs are also members of the University of Arizona Cancer Center, the Bio5 institute and have graduate students from a variety of programs including Immunobiology, Physiological Sciences, Cancer Biology, and Nutritional Sciences and Wellness.